What makes this film work so well is that gives a more exaggerated and darker take from reality. Its satire saying a message in that Battle Royale's dystopia reflects Japan’s value-gaps between the generations on a cruelly competitive Japanese education system that excepts someone’s worth by how academically gifted they are. At the time of this film’s release, it was criticised for its use of violence, especially that within schools as such with extreme gun violence within American schools. It is dark, brutal and has a wicked sense of dark humour, but I don’t think it ever crosses the line of ever going too far with its gore. It takes itself seriously enough to not go cartoonish as this film plays on the theme of trust and friendship as those themes are tested within the class for what is essentially ‘The Hunger Games’ before ‘The Hunger Games’ was a thing.
Its location is striking and beautiful to look at in this violent film balancing out its great scenery with dark subject matter. The deaths become more tragic as you find out a bit about everyone’s backstory and / or personality giving some level of impact when one of them dies. Some flaws I do have though is the ending probably tries a bit too hard to be bold and clever and tacks on a bit with social commentary that doesn’t feel explored enough at times as it focuses a bit too much on the violence.
Furthermore, cause this film has such a large number of characters not everyone is developed enough outside the main ones and is understandable given how big the cast is but wish it was twenty students rather than forty. This was a film I have been meaning to watch for a while and glad I did as it has a more mature tone and realistic themes that ‘The Hunger Games’ never went fully into making full use of its R rating.
Overall Rating: 4/5
The #iDARE youth publication is a a fully funded project open to any young people aged 13-20 (or up to 24 if disabled) based around Swindon.
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