The iDare Awards Ceremony was held at the Hilton hotel in Swindon on 1st December 2019. I won the award for best interview presented to me by Sadie. The interview was with Angela Atkinson and was about her book about her love for Swindon. Winning the award made me feel privileged and enhanced my confidence for the future. In feeling privileged, I felt like I have done something right which made me happy. I now feel more comfortable in conversations and social interaction. This is at the core of iDare’s aims and hopes.
The audience was made up of the iDare team, the local mayor, MPs and others. Everybody was in formal dress, I wore a shirt and tie for the occasion. We had a two course meal and the cheesecake was exceptionally good. This was followed by a disco and dancing which I gladly took part in and people were happy about.
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The #iDARE youth publication is a a fully funded project open to any young people aged 13-20 (or up to 24 if disabled) based around Swindon.
If you would like to become a participant, volunteer your time to help run it,
or suggest something we should feature in one of our editions, please get in touch!