My name is Megan and I like crime programmes on the TV.
In the first
edition of #iDare I did an article on profiling tools to help me understand me
This month I had the chance to interview a lady called Holly Duns who is a Digital Forensic Scientist. I of course had no idea what this meant, so I decided to ask her some questions to find out more. The questions that asked were:
1)Can you explain what that kind of work you do in your job?
2)What interested you doing that kind of job?
3)How did you get into your job?
4)Do you have any story’s that might interest our readers?
5)What do you need to be good at to get into that kind of job?
6)What advice do you have for young people interested in this kind of career?
7) What mental health challenges have you experienced when trying to build your career?
She explained loads about what she does as well as other crime stuff. What really interested me was how they find out how criminal people hack into IT systems and how they catch them, as well as how things like fit bit watches can be used in murder trials.
Have a look at the full video…
The #iDARE youth publication is a a fully funded project open to any young people aged 13-20 (or up to 24 if disabled) based around Swindon.
If you would like to become a participant, volunteer your time to help run it,
or suggest something we should feature in one of our editions, please get in touch!