This film is an incredible war film based on real life events, which features a character we should all commend and aspire to be like. Andrew Garfield gives an amazing performance playing Desmond Doss and really shows his range as an actor. Personally, his performance deserved an Oscar. Garfield shows the real-life character’s inner struggle of his beliefs in a way that doesn’t come across preachy and is admirable. Another actor who I don’t think gets enough praise and was snubbed is Hugo Weaving as Tom Doss. I liked how the film building up on the battle showed the still inflicted horror and trauma of World War One soldiers and how he perceives the war and deals with his PTSD. Furthermore, there were great surprise performances from Vince Vaughn and Sam Worthington in which I didn’t expect them to be such stand outs. Mel Gibson shows his talent as a director once again showing of how good he is at perfecting historical epics like Braveheart and Apocalypto as his action is realistic without feeling too over the top with some great staged set pieces that once they got started, there was no stopping them and never once felt like they dragged or bored me.
There are very few flaws with this film other than the first half of the film leading up to the battle itself very nearly drags out and could have been cut nearly up to ten to 15 minutes for a tighter viewing experience. Finally, some dialogue can come across rather corny and especially the romance between Desmond Doss and Dorothy can be cheesy at times and I don’t excuse it because the fact that Dorothy calls some of Desmond’s lines corny either.
Altogether I recommend this highly and it is a shame that the film doesn’t get as much credit as people give it due to their own opinions of the film’s director which is idiotic. It is an uplifting true story with a lot of heart and action and is one of the best films that cinema has to offer when it comes to both War and World War Two films.
Overall Rating: 4.5/ 5
The #iDARE youth publication is a a fully funded project open to any young people aged 13-20 (or up to 24 if disabled) based around Swindon.
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