Hello I’m charlotte and this is my first blog
I’m going to be talking my experience with anxiety, I hope this helps out with anyone who is going through the same thing I am going through.
The photo I have chosen for this blog kinda represents anxiety, as on the diving board you have the first platform which means you are at you lowest point but when you gradually get to the highest, point you feel like you have overcome your anxiety but you took every step off the diving board.
When I found that I had anxiety it was hard, I didn’t really know
how to feel about it or react, it didn’t settle in for a while but then I accept that fact that I had mental health and started taking it each
day as it came, and yeah I had my really good days and my bad days, but I got by, yes I still have it now and I do still struggle but I’m
getting help now but it did take me a while to get help because I didn’t speak up which you should do because it makes everything worse if you try and sort it out yourself, but you should only speak up when your ready don’t force yourself straight away because then your putting more and more stress about it.
But anxiety isn’t something you come over in a month it takes ages but it will always be there in the back of your mind but it will get better, but never let anxiety to take over your life keep going and trying and do the stuff you love spend time with love ones get help your not alone in this everyone is always going through something in their life.
Places where you can go and get help:
- Talk to your local GP
- College/ school counselling
- Free NHS counselling
- https://www.betterhelp.com
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