Blog Post

#iDare Blog: By young people, for young people

The "Super Straight" Controversy

Joshua Tomes • 30 March 2021

#iDare to be inclusive and supportive of marginalised groups

First, a bit of history:

LGBTQ+, which stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer/Questioning and other recognised sexualities and genders, are a group of people who have been fighting for their rights for most of history. Homosexual activity was legalized in England and Wales in 1967, on the condition that men were, in private and between two men who are over 21 years old. In some countries, homosexuality is still illegal and in some cases punishable by death.

For transgender people, it wasn’t until 2004 when The Gender Recognition Act was passed in the UK, it grants full legal recognition for binary transgender people. People who don’t just identity as the two sexes are still facing discrimination to this day. Gender and sex are often confused as being the same. Gender is not just male or female, which is scientifically proven from multiple scientists explaining that gender is spectrum and not binary, and isn’t about someone's anatomy, it’s about who they know themselves to be. As of 2019, there are at least 64 different gender identities including, non-binary, agender, pangender and genderqueer.

So many different examples of this have existed throughout history and in different cultures. For example, the Native Americans used a well respected blanket term, called “Two Spirit” which comes from the idea that everyone has both a male and female spirit within their body. Depending which spirit is more dominant, that’s where a person’s identity comes from and not their physical form. They widely recognised genderqueer, transgender and genderfluid.

Lately, there has been a huge amount of discrimination against the transgender community.

The term “super straight” was first coined by TikToker Kyleroyce in a video on February 21st who said he’s made a “new sexuality”. Being super straight means that the person would only date a cis person (someone whose gender identity matches their sex assigned at birth) of the opposite gender, while specificity not dating anyone who’s trans. Also he stated that if he did date a trans woman that would make him gay because, according to him, trans women are not real women, which is obvious transphobia. Kyleroyce said he was sick of being called transphobic so now he’s super straight, he thinks he can’t be transphobic because it’s just his sexuality.

So over the past two weeks, the video has spread across TikTok and onto other social media sites, and even on the 4chan website which is known for being the home of far-right trolls. Members on 4chan discussed creating and sharing memes about being super straight to “dive a wedge” within the LGBTQ+ community and “use the left’s tactics against themselves, call them bigots for not accepting super straights”.

Most people claiming to be super-straight have stated that the new sexuality is now part of the LGBTQ+ community and anyone who doesn’t support them are “superphobic”. Even a “super straight” flag has been created which many, who don’t support them have pointed out that it uses the exact same colours used as the gay online dating app, Grindr. 

The logic behind this “new sexuality” is so flawed because super straights say they would only date women who were born female and can have children. So, from their logic, they would date trans men and wouldn’t date women that can’t have children. Also when asked what their pronouns are, most would respond with “obviously I’m a man or woman. I don’t have pronouns”. The amount of ignorance they have is just laughable. Polite and respectful people would say, “I’m he/him” or “I’m she/her”. There is a rare amount of people who love to mock trans people by claiming that their pronouns are “nor/mal”.

Because of the amount of criticism this movement has gotten, a lot of the super straights have said that they feel oppressed. It’s hard to tell whether a lot of them are joking but unfortunately, it looks like most of them have fully committed to this new sexuality. It’s not only disrespectful to trans people but the entire community. For decades, the LGBTQ+ community has fought to have equal rights, but super straights are so desperate to be oppressed that they even think they deserve a whole awareness month which is pathetically called “Super Straight September”. Also anyone who directly accuses them online of being transphobic, they would send violence and death threats. On top of that, super straight is connected to Nazism with it being abbreviated to “SS” which was part of the Nazi party. They have also added the “SS” to the beginning of LGBTQ+ acronym.

No one is forcing anyone to date trans people. It becomes a problem when a whole movement is made directly against trans people and spreading misinformation and lies about that particular group of people. Not wanting to date someone solely on them being transgender is transphobic. Even though this is a very serious topic, the amusing part of it is that all of the super straights are just outing themselves as transphobic without them realising. So hopefully all of this will slowly fade away soon.

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