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#iDare Blog: By young people, for young people

Improving mental health for people with Fibromyalgia 

Chloe Butler (20) • 28 September 2019


What is fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a condition that causes widespread pain. It's not life-threating or progressive but it can still have a major impact on your quality of life. It is thought that as many as 1 person in every 25 may suffer from it. More women than men are affected, and the condition varies a great deal from one person to another and from day to day.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms of Fibromyalgia can include: widespread pain and sleep disorders. It not a brain condition but it affects the body.

My personal experience is that someone close to me has Fibromyalgia so the person the I know has had it for the last 5 years but only got diagnosed this year. This person has down days, but they have up days too. There were a lot more down days than up days but in the last 2 months I have seen a great improvement in their mental health. The grandkids have helped massively plus the extra support from family and friends.

How to improve your mental health

Those with Fibromyalgia may need to try a variety of treatments to find a combination that suits them. Treatments such as oils and hydrotherapy can work and benefit the mental health of people living with Fibromyalgia. There are groups that can support people with the condition like on Facebook there is one called Fibromyalgia support. Even if you feel alone, talking to other people will make a big different to your mental health.

There is lot of different way to treat this condition and the people at iDare hope you can learn how to improve your mental health.

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